Friday, 21 September 2012

Saturday 22 September 2012 (continued)

Family and Friends,

Please excuse the interruption.
If my memory is correct I was about to tell of the places we visited.
We learned to appreciate this huge city and see the beautiful, old streets with the treetops
touching in the middle to form a canopy. We saw the endless markets that specialize in pearl,
and jade and Guangzhou silk. This is called the pearl capital of the world, and I believe it.
There are thousands of little cubby-hole stalls where merchants are doing business. The city is
a true mix of the ultra-modern and traditional. Once when we were caught in a rainstorm we took
the taxi home and it cost $1.50 US. Our street, Wushan Lu, now rolls off our tongue. We have
enjoyed some Cantonese cooking, but the KFC on the corner tasted pretty good too.

The bottom photo is of Ann and Paul Brooks plus Brad and Susan Hertz.
Good bye for now,

1 comment:

cindy W said...

neat pictures...Don and Ayden have matching shirts!!!