Thursday 14 March 2013

Friday 15 March 2013

It may seem odd to travel half way around the world to go to a zoo, but that is exactly what Don and I
made Ian, Debby, Matt and Lily do. We went to the Chimelong Safari Park in Guangzhou. We had been
told that it was "the best zoo in the world," and so we checked it out the week before our guests arrived.
Our assessment was, "This is the best zoo in the world!" Then, we only hoped that the others would agree.
They did. You can read in Matt and Lily's journal, "You can't even explain how wonderful it was."

Now, I am not a zoo-person, but the majesty of the white tigers won me over. The zoo is so well structured
that you feel as though you are among the animals. The safari area is thrilling. Some people say that they
saw more animals here than when they were on a real African safari. (This is sounding familiar. Perhaps I
have raved about the zoo before in the blog. Since I cannot check it, just excuse the repetition.)

It was freezing cold that day, under 10 degree C. We braved the cold, which wasn't forecast, and had a good
time with the animals. We saw real panda bears and felt that the experience was uniquely Chinese after all.

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